Monday, September 10, 2012

Holy Crap....tastes like.....

Holy Crap....tastes like.....well, not crap. But it's kinda like chowing down on a big bowl of bird seed. And last I checked I'm not a 7 foot tall canary living on a famous street. So bird seed for breakfast is not really my thing.

I followed the directions on the package and mixed it with milk and let it sit. Here's what it looked like....

Looks okay. Didn't taste great. Package has been sitting in my fridge now for several weeks, not forgotten. Just ignored. Might have to try tossing some into a smoothie or something to use it up. Dunno. Not a fan. Anyone out there tried it and like it? Maybe I'm just eating it wrong? :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. (Let's try this again with my actual internet persona.)

    What's in it? I eat chia seeds soaked in milk every morning, and I love them! I add whatever fruit I can get my hands on - blueberries, blackberries, nectarines - and take it all to work. Keeps me full until lunch, which is a flippin' miracle!

    1. There are two kinds I think. The one I bought has: organic chia, organic hulled hemp hearts, organic buckwheat, organic cranberries, organic raisins, organic apple bits, organic cinnamon.
      Now that I read the back of the package again, it does suggest to mix it with oatmeal, granola, yogurt or fresh fruit. Might have to give it another try....
